Bean Counter Apps

Pomodoro Timer - Productivity 1.0
Bean Counter
Use this Pomodoro Timer to manage your time!Designed by Francesco Cirillo, this method is proven to helpyouaccomplish more with less time.How to use the technique:1. Click on "Pomodoro" to set the timer to 25 minutes, thenpressthe "Start" button to set the countdown timer.2. Focus on your task with full attention3. Once 25 minutes is up, the timer will ring and you willhaveaccomplished one Pomodoro!4. After every Pomodoro, take a short break of 5 minutes.Simplypress on "Short Break" and start the countdown timer.5. Continue and work on another Pomodoro. Take a Short Breakafterevery Pomodoro, and a Long Break after every 4th Pomodoro.The Pomodoro technique is proven to maximize efficiency. Thisishow it works:1. Makes you focused on the task within the 25 minutes span2. The breaks give you something to work towards and makes youmoreenergized to carry on your tasks3. Your Pomodoro streak makes you want to continue workingandextending the streak!
Sociable - All in one 1.0
Bean Counter
Ever found it frustrating and tiring toshiftbetween different social media apps?You don't have to anymore!With Sociable, you can access your social media accountsaltogether,in one place!Right now, we offer these social media accounts:- Facebook- Instagram- Twitter- PinterestTry it out for yourself today!